Well I am a big fan of J R R Tolkien, so my choice is: The Hobbit a stunning book which I have read and read and read. Also LOTR of course.
I must also mention my second choice which is Harry Potter, the first book was outstanding and I love all the rest too. JK Rowling has a very nice way of writing for all ages in the same book.
I did managed to scrap 1 layout at the crop saturday before I took ill, then another tonight, I shall blog pictures tomorrow.
What a wonderful Easter we had, the boys sat down to a yummy roast with us at lunch time, then in the afternoon, we prepared the garden and snuck in surprise guests, Sharon (mummy) and Chris along with Auntie Clair and cousin Daniel, we took the boys out to the garden where we had set up an Easter egg hunt, the kids loved it, they had great fun.
Robbie finding an egg on the cartwheel bench
Auntie Clair taking pictures
Cousin Daniel find and Egg hunt egg
Egg hunt eggs Here is one on Windy Miller
and Kristofer finding the egg on Windy Miller.
What a lovely Easter day we had, thanks to all who came and made it a special day for the boys.
OK so I missed yesterday but I have day's 2 & 3 for you today
Day 2 is fav. Movie, I have so, so many but finally decided that my fav. Movie of all time, took the world by storm on it's release and was light years ahead of it's time:
and still so watchable now, some movies become dated but I can always watch Starwars and all the other movies in the series.
Next is Day 3
My fav. Television Programme
Well for this one I had 2 and could not decide between them, I finally decided to give the title to GLEE!!! brilliant acting, outstanding singing, stunning writing, hilarious comedy and painful honesty, Genius!!!!
However I will also have to pay homage to the timeless comedy that is FRIENDS!!!
The unbelievable and timeless writing and acting involved in the 1o seasons of this outstanding comedy will live on forever but the reason I chose Glee is that I see this having the same potential if the writers find places to take the show and the music is awesome.
There are so many brilliant shows and I don't just love comedy, I do like a good medical drama and murder, Grey Anatomy and Dexter are up there in my top 10, I have to confess that I relate far more to American humour and drama that the UK produced shows, I am not sure why but I do.
I saw this fun project on Vic's blog, she is doing THIS project, where you blog everyday about the following:
Day 01 — Your favourite song Day 02 — Your favourite movie Day 03 — Your favourite television program Day 04 — Your favourite book Day 05 — Your favourite quote Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad Day 09 — A photo you took Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy Day 13 — A fictional book Day 14 — A non-fictional book Day 15 — A fanfic Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly) Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy Day 19 — A talent of yours Day 20 — A hobby of yours Day 21 — A recipe Day 22 — A website Day 23 — A YouTube video Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy Day 25 — Your day, in great detail Day 26 — Your week, in great detail Day 27 — This month, in great detail Day 28 — This year, in great detail Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
So here I am with mine
DAY 1 - Fav Song
This was hard as I love music so much but there is a song that keeps coming back as my fav. Time and Time again, it is currently my fav. again, so here it is :
Gavin Degraw
This is the live version as I could not get an embeded code for the video. I love the lyrics and the melody, hope you do too.