Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Day 4 fav. Book

Well I am a big fan of J R R Tolkien, so my choice is: The Hobbit a stunning book which I have read and read and read. Also LOTR of course.

I must also mention my second choice which is Harry Potter, the first book was outstanding and I love all the rest too. JK Rowling has a very nice way of writing for all ages in the same book.

I did managed to scrap 1 layout at the crop saturday before I took ill, then another tonight, I shall blog pictures tomorrow.

Hugs Jay xxx


Julia Dunnit said...

I must have started the Tolkein a hundred times and can't get past page 5. And I can't stay awake past about 20 miutes of the film. Am actually jealous that this genre suits you; I seem to be missing out!

Chantal Vandenberg said...

Looking forward to seeing your layout! :)

Nishant said...

This post is rally coollll...
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