Sunday, 7 September 2008


I have been getting some yummy stash pressies for the last week which I have been putting pictures up over on my craft blog.

Here is a picture of non stash Pressies. From Mum Vicki and Steve Emma and the boys, I love it all and I have to say Emma has great taste in gifts!!!

Thanks for the tip re Twighlight Lori, I can't wait to read it.

Here is a picture of my best present ever! SMUDGE coming home!!!

I plan to spend the entire day watching series 2 of Heroes with Mum and Vicki and Enjoying a Yummy Roast Dinner.

And I had to add this picture for my friend Jayne who was dying to see the twins in the shoes she got them, sooooooooooooo cute. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Katy said...

Happy Birthday Hun :D :D :D

Look at all them yummy presents, mime better come tomorrow, sodding royal mail!!


Jay said...

Happy Birthday from one Jay to another.
Smudge is soooooo pretty (or should that be handsome?