I have been having some Chi issues of late and I get frustrated with my stiff, straight lines and neat stuff, I want to be good at the arty crazy side of Scrapping.... So Vicki Challenged me to Scrap like her!!!! I love Vicki's style but am always nervous of the ripping and heavy distressing etc. So Vicki gave me 9 elements I must use but how and with what else was up to me.
1. Distressing
2. Buttons attached with wire
3. Ripping
4. Paint splatting
5. Pizza Box
6. Mesh
7. Sewing
8. Paper Rolling
9. Fabric
So here is what I came up with. I really like the finished layout.
Thanks for looking. I will be using this style again. Thanks for the Challenge Vic.
I hope your feeling Scrappy and you all have creative Mojo. Jay xx
Love it especially as you where out of your comfort zone, well done
Love it Jay! Next thing you know, you'll be doodling without a ruler!
Very cool. I'll have to try this challenge and see what comes of it. Thanks for sharing.
This is stunning! I think you did a wonderful job. I feel the same way - I think it is at times I am just to critical of my work - so I end up throwing alot away - but I have had others tell me that my scrap heap has some wonderful creations - to that I just shrudge my shoulder. ;o)
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