Saturday, 17 January 2009

AWWWWWW!!! and YAY!!!

YAY!! because I have started a college course on Digital photography and so far I LOVE IT!!!
AWWWWWWWW!!! Because one of my newest furry additions has adopted my Fastenator

Vicki and I on our first day at college, we are gonna have fun!

I think this is Venus but I could be wrong!?!?!?!
I love this picture of the reflection on the water.
I was trying to get a picture of the feathery Ice, I think I captured it but I want to know how to get a better picture.
I know these pictures are awful but I just loved the patterns and effects so I thought I would share them.

An here is my baby Honeypot with her New found love, my fastenator (with built in cushion lol).

I have done a few layouts but not got around to taking pictures yet but most of my craft time has been taken up making up Kits for my crop.
Have a crafty weekend
Jay xx


jay670120 said...

lol the cat and fascinator !!! good luck in your course x i like the weird wacky shapes in your photos & hopefully we will see them improve as the course goes on too x

lindschick said...

Such a funny cat picture, bless he looks so comfy!!

Great photos, I hope to do a photography course later in the year.

Unknown said...

Love your cat and the fastetner!

Paige said...

what a sweet cat. I hope she doesn't get her paw trapped in there though, too much chin weight and she might not like her new head rest for much longer ;)