Monday, 25 February 2008

Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder

I loved doing this lo, This picture is of my friend Emma having a girly moment as she often does and mean old me took a picture! (Tee Hee!). I chose BG Lily Kate becaue it is quite girly without being pink which is very Emma, also Emma loves green and the Mask is greenish and my walls in the photo are lilac so it all seemed to go well together. I got out lots of bling in the form of stickles and gems and had fun with it.

The lettering for Beauty, is Thickers foam Rootbeer with papermania Gems added.

The small lettering here is hand written with a Zig white marker and the " Eye and Beholder" are Thickers - Daquiri in chipboard then I drew on them with a Sakura Jelly roll stardusk pen.

I think Emma might kill me but I am sure she will see the funny side ( Ha Ha! )

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