Saturday, 23 February 2008

The start of my A - Z book of me!

This my front cover, I really enjoyed doing this and I
Loved using this YUMMY! Daisy Bucket paper, I am
big fan of thiers, I really like the texture.

My A is for Addict is to show what an addictive
Personality I am and have been over the years but how
happy I am that I found scrapping as I am now addicted
to something that I see myself doing forever, not
something that will just sit in a cabinet.
I chose B is for brave because as a child I was affraid of
many things and it all seems to stem from when we were
burgled when I was a child and we were asleep in our beds.
I was really disturb by it and I became affraid of anything
you could think of, Dark, injections, dentist, spiders, flying,
people, lifts, hieghts (you get my drift!) the list is to long.
However on the positive side, I chose Brave because
I have faced all these fears head on and the only one that
I would say still affects me alot is dentists but I will get
over it eventually I'm sure.
I never normally scrap myself, once in a blue moon. So
this book is an interesting self exploration aswell as
being lots of fun to do, so thanks to It's a creative world
blog, for the inspiration and prompts.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Addictive personality Jay? Never would have guessed! I am totally loving the tartan duck! Do cats count as an addiction too? I'm very impressed by your prolific blogging too!