Well I had my big toe nails removed today, the men who did it were brilliant, the older guy was so funny I was laughing most of the time and the younger guy was so cute I was drooling for the rest of the time, I thought I was going to be hysterical but they put me so much at ease I even watched the whole procedure.
The only ewwwww factor about it was as I was leaving to go home my right foot started to hemorage (sp?) and so I had to go back in and have a pressure dressing put on it. My foot was numb for about 5 hours afterwards and TBH I expected to be in agony when the anesthetic wore off. I can feel a little discomfort but that is it and I have not yet needed to take any painkillers which really surprised me, although I do have quite a high pain threshold. Over all not the terrible experience I was expecting.
A massive thank you to the podiatry team at Kennoway health centre for making me feel so relaxed and giving me the best laugh I have had in ages.
No scrapping done today but I did make a couple of cards. If I am still only at this minimal level of pain tommorow I will be back scrapping YAY!!
Have a good night xx
aw mate - hope you are soon up and about again - pleased it went well other than the last bit - hugs
Glad your toe nail thing went mostly ok! A little eye candy is always good to distract you from pain!
Awww poor you Jay sounds painful, hope your feeling much better soon.
Tracey xx
Ow, sounds nasty. Hope you are doing well now.
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